"Junior" Easy-Kary Wire Reel Holder

SKU: EK-13/24A
The EK-13/24A �Junior" is the most convenient wire reel holder for small jobs. Easy to carry, the hinged back support folds down so it lays flat when not in use. Light weight, and rugged. Special rods are held firmly in place by rod brackets. Use one rod in the center brackets for large reels. If you pull a lot of small spools, consider our optional " Third Rod Kit." Rods stow inside hollow frame. Carry it like a brief case. Keep one of these in your truck, you'll use it every day!
Dimensions 29.25" x 14.75" Weight 8 lbs.
Reel Space 26" (total) Largest Reel 24" dia. x 13" wide Rods 2 (standard)